Donation helps Youth Team

Mar 16, 2017

Bedlington based charity, Leading Link’s Youth Media Team now have state of the art equipment to produce high quality TV and radio thanks to a kind-hearted County Councillor.

County Councillor Alyson Wallace has awarded the young people £5,000 from her members Small Grant Scheme fund.

Over the past year, the Youth Media Team have been involved in training and learning new skills associated with media including creative writing, sound engineering, video, photography and editing. With the support of community radio station, Radio Northumberland offering training workshops in radio presentation skills and the loan of equipment to help the team set up, the team are now ready to use their skills and their new equipment.

The team of 15 young people have been involved in many community projects including the Plessey Woods Art Trail, BBC School Report and both Northumberland Live events in Blyth and Bedlington.  They have worked with local primary schools over Christmas to produce mini radio plays and have produced youth radio shows themselves which are being played on Radio Northumberland.

At Northumberland Live, their enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism was spotted by county councillor Alyson Wallace.  Lyn Horton, manager of Leading Link said:
“When Councillor Wallace heard that we were operating on an absolute shoe string relying heavily on the good nature of Radio Northumberland she just wanted to help us.  These young people had already proved that they were not only learning and practising their new skills for the benefit of the community but were also increasing their own employability status at the same time’.

Councillor Wallace agreed:

” It was an absolute pleasure to use some of my members’ small grant scheme to fully fund a media package to be used by Leading Link. I’m sure those using it will find many uses for it and will enjoy hours and hours improving their skills. Hopefully they will be able to use some of those skills to record for prosperity the changes that are imminent in the town for future generations to look back on”

Jordan James, aged 15 from Bedlington and part of the Youth Media Team says:
‘This new equipment has helped us to get more training, work with new styles
of media and now we will be able to do much more advanced projects more
quickly. We are so excited to get started and are really grateful to
Councillor Warwick for giving us this amazing opportunity’


Photo shows The Youth Media Team with manager Lyn Horton, Councillor Alyson Wallace, Keith Newman from Radio Northumberland

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