Happy New Volunteer – Age No Barrier for Susan

Feb 11, 2019

A volunteer Champion with Healthwatch Newcastle has celebrated her 80th birthday by meeting the public and giving advice about the work of the organisation.

Susan Chan has been helping Healthwatch Newcastle for over four years by gathering information about health and social care issues and talking to the public at events such as the Chinese New Year celebrations in the city. A leading figure in the Chinese community, Susan gave up this special birthday at home to join her fellow volunteers at the spectacular city celebrations.

“This has been a great birthday. I’ve met lots of people and enjoyed talking to them. We gather their opinions so that improvements can be made in the social care and health services that we all receive. I have had great fun.”

Susan is a Healthwatch Champions and her in-depth experience within the Chinese community has helped the organisation to better understand their health and social care issues. Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead Chief Executive, Steph Edusei, said:

“Champions like Susan are positive ambassadors for Healthwatch. They act as our eyes and ears in the community and we’re actively looking for more people to help us.

“It’s a great opportunity to meet other people and to help shape the way health and social care is delivered in the city. I‘d urge anyone who wants to make a difference to contact us.”

Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead are currently recruiting volunteers aged 16 and up. Call Freephone 0808 178 9282 or email melanie@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk to find out more.



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