Forum helps businesses market their goods and services

The North Tyneside Business Forum is inviting businesses to hear from and network with local marketing experts who will give business tips to help them “Rise and Shine” at an event in Whitley Bay on Thursday 30th March.
“Rise and Shine”, this year’s annual Forum ShowBiz event, will feature three speakers who all have a different expertise in marketing.
The keynote speaker is Laura Middleton of The Office Rocks. She created her marketing agency in 2015 to engage audiences and drive sales and brand awareness for ecommerce brands. She has built solid, long term relationships with some of the UKs biggest retailers as well as many small businesses. Laura also runs Bump, Baby & You, one of the largest online mother and baby communities in the UK with a monthly reach in excess of 10m.

Geoff Phillips of Canvas Marketing will will share his advice on how thinking strategically about
marketing can help accelerate business growth plans. Geoff is based in Newcastle and, as a freelance marketing director provides invaluable strategic brand and demand marketing expertise to ambitious growing or scaling businesses .

The third speaker is Keith Newman from Highlights PR who will share some of his secrets about how he writes stand out press releases and why photography is important in PR. Keith has the unique distinction of having a floating office – a boat berthed at Royal Quays Marina in North Shields.

In addition, Karen Goldfinch, Chair of the Forum and who also runs her own marketing consultancy, Karen Goldfinch – Your Business Pilot will be facilitating a Q & A marketing session with the panel to answer any delegates questions as she explains:
“We asked our members what aspect of business they needed help on and marketing was a clear winner. We’ve three great speakers who each have proven track records in their own businesses and I’m looking forward to learning something from all of them. I’d also urge people to come prepared with questions so that they can get the best out of the event for their businesses.
“Our Rise and Shine event is free to attend for Business Forum members, and there is a small charge for other delegates. It will be a great opportunity to network in the fantastic surroundings of the
iconic Spanish City Dome and to make new business connections.”
Rise and Shine Thursday 30th March, 9:15am-1pm, Spanish City, Whitley Bay
No charge for Business Forum members for this event. Non-members £15pp. Businesses from outside North Tyneside £20PP
Photo: Keynote speaker Laura Middleton.
Photo: Geoff Phillips
Photo: Keith Newman
Editors Notes:
The Forum is FREE to join and is for any business with a trading address in North Tyneside.
T:0191 643 6000
Media Information (interviews / additional photographs etc)
Keith Newman
07814 397951