Lifesaving Rotarians donation gets to the heart of homeless charity

Apr 14, 2016

The People’s Kitchen is a safer place to be following a life saving donation from the region’s Rotarians. The charity, which looks after the homeless and vulnerable people of Newcastle, received its first Automated, External Defibrillator (AED) thanks to the generous donation.

The suggestion that The People’s Kitchen should have an A.E.D came from one of their “friends” Glyn, who uses the facilities provided and regularly eats at the centre in Bath Lane.

Representatives from Rotary Clubs of Seaburn, Newcastle, Durham Elvert, Longbenton and the future District Governor, Len Burns visited The People’s Kitchen and handed over a brand new heart defibrillator donated by fellow Rotarians. The group were then taken on a tour of the premises and learned about the operation of the charity, which was followed, by tea and the handing over ceremony.

Peter Samuel, Deputy Chairman of The People’s Kitchen, was delighted with the generous donation that has the potential to be a real lifesaver.

“I’d like to thank the Rotary Clubs involved for this much needed piece of equipment. We have trained first aiders on duty at each of our meals but having this additional piece of kit could mean the difference between life and death and keep someone alive until the paramedics arrive. Like insurance, we have to have it but we hope never to have to use it. ”

Volunteers from The People’s Kitchen will receive training in the use of the AED later this month. The defibrillator works by restoring the heart rhythm if a person goes into cardiac arrest. The earlier it is used, the better the chance is of survival. Those on the scene can easily use them as voice prompts are given to the user.


Photo:  From left to right:Dr Stan Chapman (Peoples Kitchen volunteer), Peter Tracey (Rotary Newcastle President), Tracey Bell (Rotary Longbenton President), Brian Franklin ( Rotary Seaburn President Elect), Keith Higgin (Rotary Seaburn secretary), and Len Burns (Rotary Newcastle and District Governor Nominee).

Acting as patient is Glyn, one of the friends from Peoples Kitchen.



Fast facts about The People’s Kitchen

  • We provide a unique service for the homeless and vulnerable people of Newcastle
  • We offer high quality and relevant services to maximise positive outcomes for friends.
  • Our friends have open access to our services regardless of their personal circumstances
  • Our services focus on friendship, food and futures. (out of hours)
  • We can also provide basic essentials like clothing, showers and events
  • We are extremely grateful to the 1,100 plus sources that donate to us every year.
  • From large corporates to schools, churches and individuals, every donation matters.
  • Our 200 volunteers deliver a staggering 35000 voluntary hours per year representing a benefit in kind wage saving of £0.5m
  • A small donation goes a long way



The Alison Centre, 56 Bath Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 5SQ (near St James’ Park)

PR & Media  07814 397951

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