Kind hearted volunteers have made a staggering 10,298 uniform bags for NHS staff and care homes all across the region and not one penny has been spent in their production.
North Tyneside Business Forum have helped coordinate the volunteers from local businesses including Kim Suleman from Six Penny Memories and Christine Breen from Mendy’s Clothing Alterations. With administration support from Katie Bilsland of Pink Spaghetti PA Services Newcastle and deliveries coordinated by Stephen Hull of Tynemouth Decorators, the bags have been sent to every NHS Northumbria Hospital from Wansbeck General Hospital in the North, Hexham in the West to the city centre including the RVI. Community liaison has been organised Sarah Sutton of Whitley Bay Big Local.
Karen Goldfinch, Chair of North Tyneside Business Forum was delighted with the dedication the volunteers have shown:
“This idea started off as a few people wanting to use their skills to make cloth bags for NHS staff to take their uniform home after every shift so they can wash their uniform daily. Now, it’s turned into an excellent example of how the North Tyneside Business Forum is helping to support businesses and the community during these testing times.
“What is even more amazing is that every bag has been made from recycled material including shirts, pyjamas, bedding and so on. Not one penny has been spent making the bags and everyone has donated their time and services for free. I am so proud of everyone who has contributed in any way.”
The volunteers are still creating more bags and cloth comfort hearts to give to families split up in hospitals and care homes.
Anyone wanting to help can contact: Facebook page – Making for the NHS North of Tyne or email
The North Tyneside Business Forum is run by a management group made up of members from various industry sectors in the Borough and gives support in the form of networking, events and signposting for growth and development. Membership is free and open to any business of any size trading within North Tyneside. The Business Forum is supported by North Tyneside Council.
The Forum is FREE to join and is for any business with a trading address in North Tyneside.
T:0191 643 6000
Photo: Some of the team L to R Christine Breen, Sarah Sutton, Katie Bilsland, Karen Goldfinch and Kim Suleman. (Highlights PR)
PR and Media Keith Newman 07814 397951