TyneIdols are a great Prelude to concert

Oct 1, 2015


One of the most influential folk bands of the 1970’s, have teamed up with specialist events and music and movie tour experts, TyneIdols to give their fans a unique night out on the beautiful Northumberland coast.

Gateshead based band Prelude who had a major hit in 1974 with an acappella version of Neil Young’s “After the Gold Rush,” are playing Newbiggin Maritime Centre on Sunday October 25th and fans are being offered an unusual alternative to taking the car.

The TyneIdols Atlantean, yellow double decker bus will be picking fans up at Tynemouth’s Gibraltar Rock at 4pm and will travel up the North East Coast with a refreshment stop at a local pub en route, arriving in Newbiggin by the Sea in time for Prelude’s 7.00pm performance. The return journey will see the bus arriving back in Tynemouth for around 11pm.

The bus has a state of the art sound system and will play a selection of Prelude songs along the route as well as some of the classic sounds of the north east music scene such as The Animals, Sting and Dire Straits that typically make up a TyneIdols tour.

Prelude, were formed by husband and wife team Brian and Irene Hume from Gateshead and fellow guitarist vocalist Ian Vardy from Newcastle in the early 1970’s. The band quickly established themselves as one of the leading lights in folk harmony and continued to tour and delight audiences throughout the 1980’s, touring with legends such as Don Maclean and Joan Armatrading. The original three piece has now been joined by bass player Keith Tulip and someone who hasn’t far to travel for the gig, ex Fortunes drummer, Paul Hooper who lives in Newbiggin by the Sea.

“It’s great knowing that a bus load of people are coming to see us. We’ll be doing a set of songs that people are familiar with and of course some of our popular ones too. It’ll be a great night and a lot of fun on the bus. I only wish I lived further down the coast then I could have joined in on the bus,” said Paul.

Tickets £15pp includes return bus trip and concert ticket from Julie Clay on 0191 253 1618. www.tyneidols.com

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Press and media enquires – Keith Newman Highlights PR 07814 397951




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