Ukrainian Mum Fundraises For Artificial Limbs

Apr 18, 2023

A Ukrainian mum who fled the Russian invasion and settled in Whitley Bay has pledged to help a charity provide bionic limbs for her injured countrymen and women. 

Iryna Orshak arrived in the UK with her young daughter leaving her older daughter and husband back in Ukraine. Back home she was a senior City Council member of staff, a lawyer and also a PR and communications executive. She has now settled in Whitley Bay and works with Newcastle City Council as a data apprentice. 

The situation in her country has created many horrific injuries amongst the military and civilians and there is a huge need for prosthetic limbs. 

Iryna is raising funds for the Dopomogator Foundation who provide physical and psychological rehabilitation, assistance in education, career guidance and social adaptation, as well as the development of social entrepreneurship. Their main focus however is on 

providing bionic prosthetics to military and civilians who have lost limbs during the war.

“When the war started and people were injured and needed new limbs, those that could afford it moved abroad for treatment. However, the cost is up to three times more abroad and there are so many people in need now. I felt that I wanted to do my bit to support my people who were left behind,” she said. 

The Foundation plan to supply prosthetic limbs at an approximate cost of $1.5 million dollars which will be given away free to Ukrainian casualties.  The technology of the limbs is advanced and built in machine learning helps with skills acquisition while a printed array of sensors provides precise control for users with various types of amputations. They come in various sizes and colours and touch control of the fingers allows accurate control over grips.

“The people of the North East have welcomed me with open arms and have already been very generous to me and my daughter. I would be very grateful for any donations that will go towards making someone’s quality of life a little bit better. 

“Losing a limb is life changing and so sad when it has been caused by war. A new limb can reduce their suffering, give them back their independence and help them to start to get their lives back to as normal as they can be.” 

Anyone wishing to find out more or donate can do so at


Photo: Iryna 

Media and PR 07814 397951 

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