There was enough tea to sink a battleship when the kind-hearted residents of a Newcastle sheltered housing complex baked cakes and held a raffle in aid of a maritime charity.
More than £250 was raised for The Maritime Volunteer Service (MVS) Northumbria Unit thanks to the efforts of residents of Iris Steedman House in Newcastle’s west end. One of the residents, June McDonald is a regular fund raiser for the unit as her son John is a member.
Head of Unit, Volunteer Officer Angela Carrington said;
“We couldn’t believe the buzz in the place, there were tombola’s, raffles and loads of cake. We are very grateful to all at Iris Steedman House as the money raised will help us to buy much needed equipment so that we can do our work on the region’s rivers.”
Nationally, the MVS has more than 25 active units spread around the UK coastline at major port & river areas, with more units planned. Northumbria Unit is based in Benton and at St Peter’s Marina although their vessels can operate from the Tweed to the Tees. Last year, they were deployed extensively at the Sunderland Tall Ships Race.
The aim of the MVS is to keep the country’s maritime traditions alive. Practical training in seamanship, small boat handling, engineering and communications helps to achieve this.
Membership is open to both men and women irrespective of ethnic origin or disability from the age of 18.
Photo the unit with June at
For more information on the MVS please see the web site for contact details. Media Details Keith Newman 07814 397951