Have you ever stopped to think about the smaller things in our life? Often tiny things can be the most important. For example, small print contains clauses that can really cause you problems, a clogged artery can signal the end of life and of course the start of life is microscopic – all very tiny parts of our body… makes you think doesn’t it?
So, when you are dashing around trying to do the massive things in life that make a so called difference, remember the small things too.
Speaking of small things, I met a great guy at the fabulous Newcastle Business Village called Alan who is an electronics expert . I’ve written a press release about how he repaired a tiny circuit board for a mobile home and how the giant vehicle had to travel from London to get to him. Without his reengineering of the tiny component the mobile home was useless! Read the story in full here – http://www.free-press-release.com/news-electronics-expert-s-business-goes-on-the-caravanning-circuit-1274889430.html and remember small is the new large!