Children from Blyth Summer Camp took part in a variety of activities led by Bedlington based charity Leading Link. One of these activities was an Art in the Park activity where they and their families tried their hands at tile painting.
As part of the activity, Northumberland artist John Craggs was commissioned by Blyth Town Council to guide the children with their artwork. His previous work can be seen in various locations around the town. As well as the children from summer camp, the public were also invited to the event as part of the summer programme from Blyth Town Council. Children from a local playgroup and nursery also took part in the event. The day was completed with a picnic lunch in the park for the children in Summer Camp.

The completed painted tiles have now been mounted and are on display in Ridley Park at the Friends of Ridley Park Pavilion on the gable ends, and on the front of the building.
Cllr Margaret Richardson, Mayor of Blyth said” “The talent on display from the children is fabulous. The display of tiles really brightens up the park and I am sure many parents and family members will be proud to see their children’s work displayed for many years to come.”
Those attending the tile unveiling included Cllr Margaret Richardson the Mayor of Blyth Town Council, Cllr Warren Taylor, Vice-Chair Community Development, Cllr Aileen Barrass, Fiona Gibson Chair of Friends of Ridley Park and Chris Johnson Blyth Summer Camp Leader from Leading Link.
For more details about events in Blyth, the best way to find out what is going on in the town is to like and follow the town council’s Facebook page, or to check on the town council’s web page.
Photo shows:
L to R Warren Taylor, Fiona Gibson (Friends of Ridley Park), Margaret Richardson Mayor, Aileen Barrass BTC Cllr and Chris Johnson from Leading Link
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